The Kennedy Conspiracy


Thursday 13 November 2014

The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center – the great lie

The universal truth
What?  Are we going back in time to 2001. No, not at all. Until 2011, I thought, like so many others, that the WTC attacks of 11th September 2001 happened exactly as we were told by the mainstream media: 

Four passenger aircrafts were hijacked that morning by 19 men of Arab origin. Two of the planes were steered right into the two World Trade Center towers. A third plane was slammed into the Pentagon while the fourth crashed in a field, the hijackers having been attacked and overwhelmed by the passengers. About an hour after the first WTC tower was hit, it collapsed in a pile of rubble. A while later the second tower did the same. We were told that weakening of the construction from both the crash and the following fires made the collapse inevitable. Almost 3.000 people died on that day. 

But in 2011 that image changed for me – forever. The reason being is as follows…..

The alternative, and most likely truth
Having recently discovered that media coverage of the Fukushima disaster did not give a true picture of the events there, I decided to investigate the 911 events in the same way I had approached the Fukushima disaster; i.e. turn to alternative media sources. Among the first things I became aware of was that there were not only two, but three skyscrapers that collapsed that day. I vaguely remembered having noticed this on the news that day. Though, at that time I had not attach any importance to it. Now it struck me:  Two airplanes – three collapses. How could that be?

The equation didn’t add up any longer. Via searches on the internet I found a lecturer, Richard Gage, who explained why it is physically impossible that the collapse could have been caused by the fires that occurred in WTC 1, 2 and 7. Physically impossible! The temperature in the burning building never reached the levels required to melt the steel. Not by a long shot. It was lacking by approximately one thousand degrees Fahrenheit. And even if you allow yourself to be persuaded that the bearing capacity of the construction was weakened by plane impact and heat, it is simply impossible for the buildings to collapse the way they did – namely at speeds very close to freefall (which for WTC7 authorities like NIST nowadays also admit). This indicates no resistance at all. All steel must have been gone- melted. How was this possible? The only possible explanation for this is that the load-bearing elements had been removed through controlled demolition. The evidence speaks for itself. All three buildings were blown up in a very well planned and executed controlled demolition. This, we become aware of from
·         Convincing video footage, lectures and documentaries (available in quantity from, among other sites - YouTube)
·         the residue of explosives found around the buildings afterwards.

I have collected a few links to documentary material which explains why the official account of events is to be regarded as a myth. The material is very convincing and therefore also very scary.

The first video (below) will take you through a lecture by the just mentioned Richard Gage. Richard operates since 2006 a network called "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth". As the name suggests, it consists of professional, dedicated building architects and engineers who are convinced that the official version of what happened is not correct. It is a lie. The lecture is pedagogical and filled with facts. It is long (about 2 hours). But it is well worth your time. 

Should you regard the first video insurmountable, there is a shorter variant; a 6-minute synopsis of why the official version of the truth simply cannot be true (second video).

Monday 25 August 2014

Fukushima – summary and conclusions

My reaction after having "discovered" what had actually happened at Fukushima was to contact the traditional media sources here in Sweden.  I sent mails and took other contact with the local newspaper Göteborgsposten and also national tabloids and morning papers like Expressen, Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter etc. I also took contact with TV shows like” Uppdrag granskning” and “Skavlan”. Even Greenpeace Sweden was on the list of organizations that I contacted. My message was that the situation at the Fukushima plant was far worse than had been reported. As a basis for my message I attached, among other things, the links you saw in my previous blog post (i.e. the interviews with Arnie Gundersen and Helen Caldicott). I got only one response from the list of just mentioned contact points; Greeenpeace. But they wanted to stick to their own pages and not use sources other than their own or go out via other channels than their own. Why this was so they never told me. They flatly refused to review the material that I provided them with.
Today the situation can be described as follows: traditional media has over time at least reasonably caught up with reporting. Now, the story of what really happened, the scale of the disaster is common knowledge today . But it is a groomed image of reality. I have since my rather intense coverage summer/autumn 2011 continued to sporadically monitor the progress. Do you want to know how bad it really is? Then I suggest you should look up the Fairewinds website and follow Arnie Gundersen via interviews in alternative media.  

My most important conclusion from the Fukushima event, however, is precisely that: Traditional, or mainstream media as it is also called, seems to be controlled. When the right person or organization snaps a finger, the entire community seems to ready to follow. By mainstream media we mean principally the West's total television, radio and newspaper variety (both online and paper editions). Could it really be that bad? And if so, how is it done? Who's pulling the strings? And why? With these questions moved on to review the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.

Saturday 23 August 2014

Fukushima via alternative media sources

Via the internet I found fantastically detailed and credible information from people I began to follow (after realizing that main stream media could not be trusted). My main source was Arnie Gundersen. Arnie has many years experience from working as an expert in the nuclear industry field. He sat as an expert of the Committee which investigated the Harrisburg/Watergate accident. He has a lot more to his credit. Today he runs a website called Fairwinds Energy; a page sponsored by himself and through grants. It qualifies as "Alternative Media". Why? Well, because Arnie like so many others discovered that the media is controlled. Non-desirable information does not reach us, the public. Information about the nuclear industry in general is such an area. For those interested , it is recommended the following 2 links;
Other people that drew the same conclusions as Mr. Gundersen included:

None of the individuals just mentioned were covered via traditional media. Instead, I found them via channels such as:
  •  RT-Russia Today
  • GRTV – Global Ressearch TV  
  • ...and many other sources.

But I stuck mainly to Arnie Gundersen’s reports, based on his way to deal with the facts. He seems to be very careful making sure that what he is reporting out is 100% true and valid. He carefully removes or points out specifically what can be seen as speculative. By following Arnie and the others, an entirely different picture grew quickly. These people early on reported about:
  • Three complete meltdowns
  • Nuclear fuel containers that were damaged. The fuel had been spilled out on the floor of the reactor plant.
  • Radiation already on day one leaked out in huge amounts and spread with the winds to United States and Canada ((where the fallout has been the worst) and with the jet streams also to the rest of the world.
  • A situation that was anything but under control.
  • Radiation leaks a multiple times more extensive than Chernobyl.

  Almost from day one Mr. Gundersen described the accident as a "Chernobyl on steroids".  In an interview from 6th April 2011 he very accurately described the sequence of events during the first few days and the time thereafter.  Compare what he is saying with the reports we all received from traditional media during the first couple of months after the acciden. The interview can be seen and listened to below (note: it is a four part series of video clips).

Helen Caldicott's presentation, also from April is at similar levels. The listener gets a completely different picture than the one that until then has been reported in the mainstream media. Helen’s lecture is especially interesting because it begins with a Russian report on the Chernobyl accident. A report indicating that nearly a million people died in the suites from the disaster. Compare that with what we learned through "our" media. What I can remember, it is only about 25-30 rescue worker that have been reported as fatal victims in that accident. Helen term the Chernobyl accident as "the greatest cover-up in the history of medicine".

In the Swedish version of this blog I also included a link to a Swedish website called “Karnkraftsbloggen”.  Here you’ll find a summary of all recorded accidents and incidents related to the  nuclear power industry, both civil and military, from the 1950’s up until today. It is excellent material available here, well worth translating if you can. Makes you realize how poor the mainstream media coverage is…

Friday 8 August 2014

Fukushima via "my own" mainstream media channels

As the “news thirsty” person that I am, I followed the reporting from Japan via TV and newspapers with great interest (mainly from a set of Swedish media sources but CNN, BBC and the Economist were also among my sources). Seen from my perspective, here is the sequence of events as they were reported by the sources just mentioned:

Initially, both Japanese authorities and representatives for the owner of the affected power plants (TEPCO) ensured the world that the situation was under control. They explained that what we had witnessed was "just" a series of hydrogene gas explosions. No radioactivity had leaked out. The reactors were unharmed. The area around the plant was however evacuated; but only as a safety measure, we were told.

The need for manual cooling of the reactors remained. This was because all available means for automatic cooling of the plant had collapsed during the earthquake/tsunami. Sea water was used instead. Firefighters used hoses to inject this into the plant. Helicopters were also used to water bomb the reactors. Next there were reports of a fire in a fourth reactor. This was a reactor that had been shut down a while ago, but the basins with spent fuel rods could not be cooled. Hence the fire erupted. The evacuation area was expanded.

Great drama in other words, but all the time we received "reassurances" that everything was under control and that only a small dose of  radiation leaked.

 A few days later, evening press and later also television and newspapers reported that high values of radioactivity were measured in the vicinity of the reactors (it was mentioned in an article in the tabloids that very high doses were measured in a puddle just outside one of the reactors). Then, all of a sudden, it felt as if the news feed was strangled. It became increasingly fragmented and difficult to follow and get a clear picture of the situation. Everyone seemed to have lost interest in the events. I felt frustration. My “gut feeling” told me that this surely was much worse than what we had received information about. I began to look for alternative ways to get sensible information. I found this mainly via YouTube. This was in May/June 2011.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Fukushima on March 11, 2011 – a brief recap

The Fukushima disaster 2011 was the time that I learned that the world media can be controlled with only "the snap of a finger". But before we get into that part of the story we need some background information.

I’m sure most of us can recall the events of the Fukushima disaster, but anyway, here is a brief recapitulation. On March 11, 2011, at 14: 46 (local time), there was a very powerful earthquake (9.0 on the Richter scale) in the sea off northeastern Japan. The earthquake was followed by a huge tsunami that drowned and devastated large parts of the coastal area.  Shortly afterwards we are reached by news related to the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. We are told that some sort of crisis situation has arisen in some of its reactors. Plant workers seem to be unable to cool the reactors. Then we reached by shocking images of how both one, two, and eventually three of the reactors explode as a result of hydrogen gas leaks that ignite. We have probably all these images on imprinted in our memories forever. I've added a link to a page on Wikipedia that describes the course of events, both before and after, in fairly great detail for the interested (Fukushima wiki).

In addition there is large number of YouTube clips available from the dramatic explosions that day.

Sunday 3 August 2014


In April 27 1961, President John F. Kennedy delivered a speech to a gathering of American journalists. In that speech he seemed to warn us all of a “world-wide ruthless conspiracy” that is operating in the shadows against humanity. To my knowledge it never became clear exactly what Mr. Kennedy meant. This blog is an attempt to take a closer look at what the President might have meant.

 What we reveal in the blog will most likely surprise you. It will be hard to believe some of the stories told, even though most (if not all) material will be based on documentaries. Some of you, I believe, will believe that I am mad, at least initially. But I urge you to continue to follow the blog. Because if the conclusions that I draw are correct, this might well be one of the most important “documents” you have ever read and viewed. I can promise you as much.

The story is about our present; what's happening all around us. It reaches us on a daily basis in the form of news through newspapers, television and other media. These events have been put into a larger, far more long-term perspective. We will look at how they are interrelated, as threads that can ultimately be tied together as a unit; a whole.

Our daily news
The story will be told from my own perspective and follow exactly the same timeline and pattern I myself followed. I have always had a special interest for current affairs. Not in a”geeky” way, but definitely more analytically oriented than the everyday person.  I want to feel confident that I correctly understand what I read and, as far as possible, make sure that I draw correct conclusions. What I describe in this text does not conform to the latter. I can't be sure that the conclusions I draw are correct. It would be presumptuous to believe this. But the conclusions are based on a solid evidence base. That is why I both dare, and actually see myself compelled to write what I do.

The blog structure is a bit unusual. Yes, the blog posts can be read one by one in a timely manner with the latest post on the top. But some material, called the “Background” should be read like a book. For that reason you will find a specific menu item (or <tab>), called exactly that, i.e. <Background>. In it you’ll find an index with clickable items that will take you to each chapter. The reason for this structure is that, as we go along the story will get more and more incredible unless you have built up the right level of understanding.

But enough of this now before it becomes too cryptic. Time to start; and we start with the events in Fukushima, Japan 2011.